Advanced Logistic
Systems - Theory and Practice is a reviewed, periodical proceedings
in the field of logistics in English language.
The journal are published
in two issues pro year. Deadlines are 1st of May for the No. 1 and 1st
of September of the actual year for the No. 2 issue.
In this proceedings
all paper can be published which is related to logistics. Received papers
are qualified by the Editorial Board of the journal which decides to
accept or reject it. Professional, language and formal requirements
are controlled by the reviewers of the proceedings.
Formal requirements
for the papers can be downloaded: .
Finished papers (in
*.doc and *.pdf format) have to be sent to the editor in chief, e-mail
The paper will be published
if the Scientific Board of the proceeding accepted it and the modifications
suggested by the lectors are accepted by the authors.
Another condition of
the publication is that the authors have to accept the linking of the
pdf version of the paper to the official website of the journal.
Publication of the accepted materials
in other journals results the cancellation of the edition process.
Information about the
receiving and acceptation of the papers, and the result of the reviewing
process has to be sent to the authors in 60 days.
Actual issue (Vol. 11/2)
of the Advanced Logistic Systems - Theory and Practice journal is under