Katarzyna Grondys ˗ Iga Kott ˗ Agnieszka Wójcik-Mazur
Logistics of machinery and equipment repair processes in the manufacturing industry
János Korponai ˗ Ágota Bányai ˗ Béla Illés
Sensibility analysis of the planned availability period and of the impact of the cost factors
on total costs
Sylwia Łęgowik-Świącik ˗ Dagmara Bubel
Audit as a decision-making instrument in inventory management
Slavomir Bednar ˗ Vladimir Modrak
Modelling of assembly process modules in terms of mass customized manufacturing
Monika Strzelczyk – Wioletta Skibińska
Strategic management of transportation in the city
Péter Telek
Material flow relations in the design process of materials handling
Karina Wolniakowska ˗ Olga Ławińska
Logistic aspects of waste management in Częstochowa region
Tamás Bányai
Supply chain agility in humanitarian logistics