Logistics is a top field of the industrial science in our days so the education and research activities on this field play very important role in the advanced economical processes.

The Department of Materials Handling and Logistics (now Institute of Logistics) of the University of Miskolc started the Advanced Logistic Systems journal in 2007 to present the results of the department and their international partners in a serially publication. The initiative was successful, during the years hundreds of papers from many countries were published in the journal.

As the quality and the number of the papers were continuously increasing year by year, the journal has reached a quality level, which means higher interest and requires some changings. From the year 2013 the Advanced Logistic Systems journal is one of the official publications of the University of Miskolc and are published in two issues pro year.

The journal is registered in several journal databases (Google Scholar, Repec, Matarka, etc.) so the papers are appearing on many places of the internet.