ALS Vol. 3 (2009)
December 2009
Registration number:
HU ISSN 1789-2198
University of Miskolc





Róbert Skapinyecz, Béla Illés
Security problems of waste logistics in food trade
Anna Brzozowska
Logistics supply chain and success in the market
Michael Schenk, Elke Glistau, Norge Coello Machado
Academic education in logistics using different forms of practical trainings
Iwona Grabara
Integration of logistics processes as a condition for efficient operation in businesses
Péter Telek
Logistical criterions and strategies for storage of bulk materials
Tomasz Lis, Jaroslaw Lapeta
A system approach to the issue of logistic management of commerce enterprises
Sudhakara Pandian. R., Vladimír Modrák
Possibilities, obstacles and challenges of genetic algorithm in manufacturing cell formation
Andrzej Grzybowski
A note on a single vehicle and one destination routing problem and its game-theoretic models
Helena Koscielniak
Economic monitoring in logistics subsystems in enterprises
Tomasz Lis, Marek Lis
Customer service and demand planning in logistic management of a commerce enterprise
Sebastian Trojahn
NEWE – location problems for biomass facilities
Sebastian Kot, Bogdan Marczyk
Transport influence on sustainable development
György Stóka
It is never too early to start dealing with logistics - some ideas on the use of set language in the first classes of elementary school
Aleksandra Nowakowska
Implementation of information policies in logistics departments in large enterprises
Pavol Semanco, Vladimír Modrák
Integration of RFID technology with NX software
Péter Tamás, Béla Illés, Kovács György
Outsourcing decision for the finished goods storage activities
Janusz K. Grabara, Marta Starostka-Patyk
The bullwhip effect in supply chain
Jolanta Urbanska
The role of franchising in modern distribution




Jana Míková, Michal Richtár
Maintenance costs modeling of small road vehicle fleet
Katarzyna Grondys
ABC analysis in spare parts warehouse
Peter Knuth, Vladimír Modrák, Peter Šebej, Romana Hricová
Testing of uhf RFID reader for its application in warehousing management
Beata Skowron-Grabowska
Place of Polish, Hungarian and Slovak logistics centers in transport systems
György Kovács, Attila Molnár
Method for elaboration of optimal storage structure
Agata Mesjasz-Lech
Selected problems of reverse logistics in Poland
Joanna Nowakowska-Grunt
Expectations towards employees from logistics departments in organizational structures of enterprises in the aspect of opinion polls
Jela Ondirková, Romana Hricová
Safety and protection of health in transport of material by belt conveyor
Beata Slusarczyk
Changes in distribution of steel products
Anna Wisniewska-Salek
Warehouse management in the aspects of differentiation in a logistic marketplace
Beata Skowron-Grabowska
Performance measurement in logistics centers
Béla Illés, Richárd Ladányi, György Sárközi
Periodic timetable optimization in the public road transport services
Ewa Kempa
Stock management in a manufacturing and trading company
Iga Kott
Selected problems of inventory management in enterprises
Michal Dorda, Jaromír Široký
Simulation – a way how to quantify freight village performance
Michalski Marek
Asymmetries in the supply chain management processes and their influence in the case of collaborative agreements in virtual environments
Jerzy Szkutnik, Krystyna Baum
Logistics in the efficiency of distribution of electrical energy