Revolutionizing Production Logistics: Industry 5.0's Impact


  • Gábor Nagy University of Miskolc
  • Szabolcs Szentesi



Industry 5.0, production logistics, cyber-physical systems, transformative impact


The article delves into the transformative impact of Industry 5.0 principles on production logistics, aiming to enhance manufacturing efficiency and responsiveness by integrating advanced concepts like the milkrun, real-time scheduling, and optimization within smart factories. Addressing evolving customer needs for rapid customization, it seeks to revolutionize traditional approaches to production logistics, establishing a more adaptive and dynamic manufacturing ecosystem. This aligns with the advent of Industry 5.0, which heralds a new era in technological advancements and digitalization, fostering unprecedented transparency in corporate processes. Going beyond the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it seamlessly integrates the corporate value chain and supply network, emphasizing the importance of leveraging integration opportunities between production management and logistics amidst intensifying market competition. The study meticulously examines the role of production logistics within the corporate logistics system, shedding light on the tangible benefits of real-time scheduling and aiming to provide crucial insights for businesses navigating this new industrial revolution.




How to Cite

Nagy, G., & Szentesi, S. (2024). Revolutionizing Production Logistics: Industry 5.0’s Impact. Advanced Logistic Systems - Theory and Practice, 18(2), 69–86.