Evolution and development tendencies of material handling machines


  • Péter Telek




history of material handling, advanced handling machines, development tendencies


The tools used during mobilities are very diverse, but their operation and structure can be traced back to the same basic principles that created the material handling machines during the previous centuries. Today, knowledge of material handling machines has become a basic necessity not only for industrial and service processes, but also for people's everyday lives, since our lives are almost unimaginably filled with different means of transportation, or without using the vehicles that transport and load our daily consumer goods. As in all areas, material handling is becoming more and more modern, and equipment that serves social and economic needs at a high level is used. One of the most defining characteristics of today's consumer society is extremely rapid change, which also affects our devices, so the design of material handling machines is also constantly changing. An important question of competitive service is how to meet rapidly changing needs. In my article, I review the development of material handling equipment, or the most important handling machines used in modern systems. Based on the outlined processes and technical changes, I will try to show where material handling is headed, what trends prevail today or are expected in server systems of the near future.




How to Cite

Telek, P. (2024). Evolution and development tendencies of material handling machines. Advanced Logistic Systems - Theory and Practice, 18(3), 5–18. https://doi.org/10.32971/als.2024.024